ESCT Congress in Pécs
The Episcopal Theological College of Pécs will host the 14th Congress of the European Society for Catholic Theology between August 30th and 2nd September 2023 in the historic city of Pécs in southern Hungary. Gusztáv Kovács, the vice-president of the society and organizer of the event is expecting about 200 participants from 25 countries at the opening ceremony on Wednesday.
The topic of the congress is EUROPE: Spiritual Resources for the Future, which gives the chance to theologians and other academics to reflect upon the past and current situation of Europe, and to unfold the future-oriented moments of the Judeo-Christian tradition for the continent.
László Felföldi, the bishop of Pécs will open the congress where we can find numerous renowned theologians in the program from the host country (Zoltán Balog, Levente Balázs Martos, Mátyás Szalay, Tamás Fedeles), from other European countries (Sigrid Müller, Marie Jo Thiel, Bénédicte Lemmelijn, Gerhard Kruip) and from beyond the borders of the Continent (Susan Abraham, Béarticé Faye, Diana Vinoles).
The detailed program of the congress is available here: