The new issue of ET-Studies is now available in open access:
The volume’s main theme is “Spirituality as a topic for theology”. Daniela Blum (Freiburg i.Br.), Xavier Debilly (Paris), Étienne Grieu (Paris), Bartlomiej Warowny (Freiburg i.Br.), Gert Pickel (Leipzig), Patrícia Dias and José Gabriel Andrade (Minho) and Maike Domsel (Bonn) deal with several historical, pastoral, systematical and sociological aspects of this theme. Also, Benedikt Collinet (Passau) presents an insightful study on the language of Rahner often perceived as complicated, Jos Moons and Robert Alvarez (Leuven) give insights in the “Mapping Synodality Project” at KU Leuven and Alex Villas Boas (Lissabon) reflects on the experience of the World Youth Day 2024. Also, the volumen contains some book reviews.
ET-Studies is an academic journal for theological and interdisciplinary perspectives on faith and religion in contemporary Europe. In the wake of the pastoral constitution Gaudium et Spes of the Second Vatican Council, it seeks suitable ways of witnessing the truth and communicating theological doctrines to the people in Europe today. In the next issues, main topics will be “60 years after Vatican II” (1/2025) and “Christianity and democracy” (2/2025). Articles can be proposed to the editor-in-chief: