From the 20th to the 23rd of August, 2025, the Loyola Institute, Trinity College, Dublin will host the International Congress of the European Society of Catholic Theology. In response to Pope Francis’ invitation ad theologiam promovendam, and to the Synod on Synodality, the congress will seek to advance the relevance and responsiveness of theology within the European context.
Within this context the congress organisers invite paper proposals exploring, from a theological perspective, topics such as the movement of populations, climate change, human dignity in a technological era, war in Europe, the decline of theological institutions, the crises of sexual abuse together with the questionable response of Church authorities. Other paper proposals on the tasks of theology in Europe today are also invited.
Proposals by email, with Subject to read ESCT Paper Proposal and the speaker’s name, are to be sent to by the 24th of February 2025. In the proposal please include your name, institutional affiliation, proposed title, and an abstract of up to 300 words.
Accepted papers will be presented for 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Contributions from junior scholars, both doctoral and masters’ candidates, are particularly welcome. If you wish your proposal to be considered under this area please add Junior Scholar to the Subject of the email.
Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their proposal by the 11th of March 2025.
Parallel paper sessions will take place on the afternoons of Wednesday 20th (Junior Scholars), Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd August 2025.