Visiting Theologian Program in BarcelonaRead MoreThe Tasks of Theology in Europe Today CALL FOR PAPERSRead MoreSpirituality as a topic for theology – new volume of ET-Studies in open accessRead MoreAd Theologiam Promovendam: The tasks of theology in Europe todayRead MorePiotr Morciniec receives Pro Doctrina Theologiae MedalRead MoreConference in Katowice: Christianity in Europe. Questions on unityRead MoreOpen Position: The Luxembourg School of Religion & Society is hiring a Full Research Professor for Dialogic Theology.Read MoreCongratulations Milos Lichner, former president of ESCT is the new rector of Trnava UniversityRead MoreConference Christians and the Transformation of Evangelisation Conference in Prague, October 11Read MoreBook Prize Winners 2023Read MoreObituary: It is with great sadness that we announce the tragic death of Prof Roman ZaviyskyyRead MoreOn the 95th birthday of Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Peter HünermannRead MoreConference Priesthood for the Church to ComeRead MoreESCT Congress in Pécs Everything is set for the start of the 14th Congress of ESCTRead MoreSolidarität mit unserem Kollegen Prof. Dr. Martin LintnerRead MoreBook Prize 2023New deadline: 30th April 2023!Read MoreEUROPE: Spiritual Resources for the FutureAll you need to know about the next ESCT CongressRead MoreBenedikt XVI. – ein großer europäischer Theologe im PapstamtRead MoreLászló Lukács SchP dies at 87Lukács László served as president of the Hungarian ESCT Section between 1992 and 2012Read MoreWELCOME TO THE RENEWED ESCT WEBSITE!Thank you for visiting the renewed website of the European Society for Catholic theology!Read More